[GIS] unable to download Landsat 8 geotiff data from the USGS site

datadownloadlandsat 8

I seem to have an issue with not being able to download geotiff Landsat 8 data from te USGS site. After i find the image i would like to download and proceed to download the Level 1 geotiff option is disabled and I am only allowed to download the LandsatLook jpeg images.

I downloaded data from this site before but perhaps I am overlooking something.

I tried both http://glovis.usgs.gov/ and http://earthexplorer.usgs.gov/

Screen capture showing the disabled "dimmed" option:
enter image description here

Best Answer

Landsat 8 data is offline for recalibration from 3 Feb 2013 for up to approx 50 days.

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