ArcGIS Desktop – Troubleshooting Slow Data Access to Shapefiles


We have just upgraded from ArcGIS Desktop 9.2 to 9.3.1

For a ~250MB .shp in 9.2 it took 1 minute to render, at 9.3.1 it now takes 50 minutes.

  • The format has to stay as shapefile.
  • The data is stored on both NetApp and Dell Servers – problem consistent on both.
  • Only an issue with GIS data, in particular shapefiles and only in 9.3.1.
  • Have already have tested during the day and night and the times returned are consistent showing that network traffic is having no or very little effect on the poor performance.
  • Also tested on servers that do not have virus protection to eliminate that from the equation.
  • Already tried testing on several servers with differing switches (100Mbit and 1Gbit) but the results have been the same.
  • Have tested on a newly built pc with a vanilla install of ArcGIS so it can’t be incorrectly uninstalled components or third party products causing the issue.

I am putting together some further test-cases to carry out, to try and pinpoint the problem further before taking it to Esri:

  • Run the tests at 9.2 with a large ESRI sample dataset. Run tests with it as a shp and as a file GDB.
  • Re-test with 9.3.1 (+SPs) and again with v10
  • Run tests in both ArcMap, ArcGIS Explorer and ArcReader (to see if it is specific to an application)
  • Compare these results with how long it takes to open when stored locally?

From what I know, there have not been any changes made to the underlying code and the way that ArcGIS connects to a network between 9.3.1 and 9.2. I also don't think that Esri changed anything in the way that ArcGIS reads shapefiles between these versions?

Other than the above, the only other suggestion I can think of is to run WireShark to try and see how long it takes to send/receive packets from the client machine & the server.

This will tell me two things:

1) How many packets are going both directions

2) how long each packet takes to be transmitted.

My thinking is, if it is related to 9.3.1, then you would most likely see an increase in the number of packets. It could be a security configuration that at 9.3.1 we have encountered, but at 9.2 we did not.
It would be best to capture a wireshark trace for both 9.2 and 9.3.1 accessing the same shape file on the same server.

Has anyone experienced anything similar to this?

Does anyone have any other ideas on how to troubleshoot this?

Best Answer

We had this as well unfortunately - I believe it is a known bug. The only way around it we found was to clone data across the network to a local drive, but that isn't much of a solution I know. It has been fixed in 10 however...

Found two possible solutions on the ESRI forum - the one that worked for us was to look at the registry settings, as shown here (it reduced the draw speed from a large mxd from ~3mins to <10 secs).

Alternatively you could try manually building a spatial index on your shapefiles, as explained here.

And the ESRI bug report, which mentions the issue, but not much in the way of fixing it.

Hope this helps!