ArcSDE – Troubleshooting ArcSDE Connection File Creation


I'm having trouble creating a ArcSDE Connection File. When I bring up the GP tool to do this, I enter the folder I was save the sde file to, enter an name for the file 'MySDEConnect.sde', enter the Server name 'VirtualXP-64180\SQLEXPRESS', enter the Port number I found under SQL Config Manager>SQL Native Client 10.0 Config>Client Protocols>TCP/IP Properties>Default Port which is "1433". I enter ArcSDE database name "MySDEDB" and uncheck Database authentication since I have not entered any username/password for the SQL Express database.

After I enter in the port number in the Service textbox, it shows a Caution sign by the Server saying it can't connect to it. Could I have the port number wrong, if so where do I find the correct one. Any help or direction here would be appreciated.

Best Answer

You can create a connection file to an SDE Workgroup database with the following steps:

  • In ArcCatalog, create a new database server connection by expanding Database Servers and launching the Add Database Server wizard. Type the name of the database server and the instance (in your case VirtualXP-64180\SQLEXPRESS and click OK)
  • Double click on the connection and once connected right click on the database name (in your case MySDEDB), then click Save Connection
  • Expand Database Connections in ArcCatalog, and you should see a new connection called Connection to VirtualXP-64180. Right click on the connection and click Properties. The connection name will contain the full path to your .sde connection. In my case, the path was: C:\Users\sasa\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.0\ArcCatalog\Connection to sasa_sqlexpress.sde

You can copy the .sde connection to wherever desired and use it as a connection file.

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