[GIS] Transformation Parameters from ETRS89 (2004) to WGS84

coordinate systemwgs84

I have XYZ coordinates of a point measured in year 2004 in ETRS89 coordinate system and I need to transform it to geodetic coordinates in WGS84.
Since ETRS89 changes yearly, so do the transformation parameters.
-As far as I understood there is about 2.5 cm change per year.

I am wondering where could those transformation parameters for the year 2004 be found in order to perform the needed transformation.

Best Answer

The official site http://etrs89.ensg.ign.fr/ mentions that after ETRF2000 it was decided to continue using that frame for 2005 and 2008. So your data should be in the ETRF2000 frame.

You may find more hints at How can I convert/transform coordinates from ETRS89 to WGS84 UTM 36N in QGIS and http://www.novatel.com/support/known-solutions/wgs84-to-etrs89-datum-transformations/

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