[GIS] Transform GeoJSON geometry to WKB


I need transform geometry from JSON like:


to WKB:


I use SRID 900913

Best Answer

Use ST_GeomFromGeoJSON.

SELECT ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[[[-125045.48351212002,4577567.588141698],[-124816.19981552364,4577552.93014355],[-124765.99472517562,4577419.175847012],[-124842.47121534991,4577392.905406596],[-125045.48351212002,4577567.588141698]]]]}');



To set the SRID (3857: Google Mercator) and transform to EPSG 4326:

ST_Transform(ST_SetSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('{"type":"MultiPolygon","coordinates":[[ ... ]]]}'), 3857), 4326)

Note that without setting the SRID, PostGIS will "assign" the SRID of 0. Your question did not indicate a projection, but it looks like Google Mercator (EPSG 3857). Your comments indicate you want 4326, so once the SRID has been correctly set, you can transform to that.

This returns:


Which in WKT is:

MULTIPOLYGON(((-1.12330269049053 37.9868447800295,-1.12124300000001 37.986741,-1.12079200000001 37.985794,-1.121479 37.985608,-1.12330269049053 37.9868447800295)))
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