[GIS] Tiles with Leaflet from Qgis


I tried QTILES plugin for QGIS and it works very well.
I can export tiles in .mbtiles or zip format.
Now I'm trying to know how call these tiles from leaflet in this way:

L.tileLayer('http://www.cityplanner.it/experiment_host/supply/tiles/car_tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
    maxZoom: 18,
    attribution: '..'


I don't know if is ok .mbtiles format or folder structure from .zip.

How leaflet reads .mbtiles?

Best Answer

Leaflet does not natively get tiles out of an .mbtiles file. I think you should use an intermediate server for this. Have a look at this page: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/MBTiles

If your zip file has a folder structure similar to "zoom/x/y.png (or jpg or whatever image format)", then this is definitely the easiest to use: simply unzip on your drive or server, and it should work as soon as you specify the correct URL template to your Tile Layer.

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