[GIS] The requested URL /geoserver was not found on this server


I am a beginner with Geoserver. I have started reading the Boundless tutorial: introduction to Geoserver.

In the very first step, for installing the OpenGeo Suite and running the welcome page of Geoserver I have faced an error.

The error states:
404: Not found
The requested URL /geoserver was not found on this server

I received no errors during the installation phase.

when I try to run


I receive a logo of EnterpriseDB and some texts as follow:

Apache – version 2.4.7 PHP – version 5.4.23 Server is up and running
The default Apache context is www in the Apache installation folder

I've checked the instructions for windows installation from here:

were it is stated that perhaps if the port used by Jetty web server (8080) is already used by another service, we can configure and change the port information. For this they mention to look for a file located at:
C:\Program Files\Boundless\OpenGeo\bin\jetty\start.ini

Where I don't actually find such a file. I can locate the bin folder in OpenGeo, but there is no "jetty" folder in "bin". I've tried stopping and starting the services, all performed with no error/message. I've tried re-installing OpenGeo Suite (even in different location than Program files path). Still have the same error when trying to load


Does anybody have suggestion to fix this?

I have installed OpenGeo Suite 4.0.2 on Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard.


Best Answer

Looks like there is a bug in the docs. The path should be: C:\Program Files\Boundless\OpenGeo\jetty\start.ini.

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