SAGA – Understanding Raster Mosaic Parameters in SAGA GIS



Using QGIS 3.8.0 Processing > Toolbox > SAGA > Raster tools > Mosaic raster layers, I do not understand the purpose of the Match and Fit parameters.

Here's a screenshot of the Match parameter, with its none and regression options:

enter image description here

Here's a screenshot of the Fit parameter, with its nodes and cells options:

enter image description here

Neither the QGIS nor the SAGA documentation describes the purpose of these parameters and their options. Likewise, an internet search on the topic also turns up empty.

I've experimented with changing the various options, but I haven't found any resulting difference in the output – it is as if the options have no effect.


What is the purpose of the Match and Fit parameters?


When this tools runs, the output log states that it is SAGA Version: 2.3.2 (64 bit)

Best Answer

According to this forum

The match option performs a linear regression (based on the values of all overlapping cells) in order to fit the values of the grid in process to those that have already been added to the mosaic.

From my personal experience, the Fit option, allow you to center the pixel on the center of the cells or to one of its corners (can't remember which)

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