[GIS] the projection of an Android Location class instance

androidcoordinate systemqgis

What is the projection of a Location object returned from the LocationClient by a class implementing the LocationListener interface with a fused provider in the Google Play Services SDK? For example, if I performed the following,


Location mLocation = mLocationClient.getLastLocation();
double mLongitude  = mLocation.getLongitude();
double mLatitude   = mLocation.getLatitude();

2) converted those values to String objects,

3) performed I/O to a file/network/database,

4) converted or outputted them to a .csv file of the form,


5) and then finally imported this file into QGIS, what projection would I choose?

Best Answer

Android Location latitude and longitude are unprojected and use the WGS84 ellipsoid.

Here's the source code for the Location Java class: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/location/java/android/location/Location.java

You can see there are multiple references to WGS84 in the code, especially surrounding the distance and bearing calculations.

Android Location docs also include references to WGS84.

So, in the import to QGIS, you would specify that these coordinates are in the WGS84 Geographic Coordinate System, and then you can project them to whatever projection you'd like.

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