[GIS] the OSGeo4W-equivalent for Linux


OSGeo4W is a windows based stack of GeoFOSS which is based upon cygwin.

I know there is a package listing describing what is inside the OSGeo4W binary package and I could fetch and install every package on my own.

But it would be nice to install all packages at once: Is there anything similar for Linux available?

By the way, I'm using Sabayon/Gentoo Linux based on the portage package manager which is not compatible with ELGIS.

Update concerning the reasons:

  • Do you really need to install all the packages at once? Well: yes. I keep de- and re-installing packages because of certain options, dependencies, etc. I'm currently trying to get file.gdb [this and that] to work with qgis. But I need to de-install GDAL from package manager (which will break certainly a lot of dependencies) and re-compile it with fgdb support. I was looking for some way to install all-at-once. As stated in this question, it took me like one week to get QGIS running with full GRASS- and plugin-support.

  • Well we have to use OSGeo4W because Windows, unlike every other OS, doesn't have its package manager. Our lives would be a hell of lot easier if it did. Understood. But as I'm not using Ubuntu/Debian I only have some of the important packages in my official repositories, which is quite annoying. That's why I was looking for some meta-package like OSGeo4W.

The OSGeo-Live-distribution looks pretty good though.

Best Answer

What about using the OSGeo Live distribution?

OSGeo-Live is a self-contained bootable DVD, USB thumb drive or Virtual Machine based on Xubuntu, that allows you to try a wide variety of open source geospatial software without installing anything. It is composed entirely of free software, allowing it to be freely distributed, duplicated and passed around.

It has everything in the OSGeo4W and more.

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