[GIS] the easternmost point in the US?


In his blog for The Atlantic magazine, James Fallows claimed that Eastport, ME was the easternmost point in the US. A writer commented that no, the easternmost point in the US was somewhere in Alaska, as Alaska crosses the 180th meridian. Another correspondent (me) wrote that this was silly – that the easternmost point of a landmass is the extreme point of the landmass that can be reached by traveling in an easterly direction, or more precisely, the last point on the country found by sweeping a line of longitude in an easterly direction. (This is more complicated for countries that don't have contiguous territory, but for now let's assume the territory is contiguous (and yes, I know that Alaska borders Canada and not another US state)).

Is there any convention in the geography community that establishes the meaning of "easternmost", preferably one that can be cited?

Best Answer

North, east, south and west are directions relative to “something”. The two things you are taking about are:

  1. easternmost point in a (mulitpart) polygon: easternmost point in the US
  2. a coordinate system to measure geographic latitude and longitude: measured angle in direction (east/west) relativ to Greenwich

If you do not mix these two things, I can't see no problem.

The eastmost point in the blue polygon is marked with a red point. We are talking about a position relative to the polygon. We to not talk about a position relative to Greenwich. We even do not know whether the point is located east or west of Greenwich. And it is regardless of where prime meridian is defined. Even if the prime meridian is not defined in Greenwich but in Berlin, Moscow or Tokyo: The red point is still the eastmost point of our blue polygon. enter image description here

Let us now replace the blue polygon by the area of USA. Maine is the easternmost point in USA: enter image description here

If we use a GIS and want to ask “where is the easternmost point of USA” we must not ask: “Where is the maximum x coordinate (in eastern direction) measured in a geographic coordinate system where prime meridian is set to Greenwich?”. The answer of the second question will be “Aleutians” (180 degree) .

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