[GIS] the difference between the “feature to raster” and “polygon to raster” tools when converting a polygon to a raster


I am currently trying to get a group on connected polygons that are within the same feature to a raster so I can reclassify it for cost analysis. I noticed that ArcGIS for Desktop has a "feature to raster" and "polygon to raster" tool that I can use. Both of the tools recognize my layer, and they seem like they will accomplish the same task, however, I was wondering if there is one that I should use in my specific scenario over the other, or does it really not matter?

Best Answer

Feature to raster will convert lines, points or polygon features to rasters, while polygon to raster will only convert polygons.

http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.2/index.html#//00120000002v000000 http://resources.arcgis.com/en/help/main/10.2/index.html#//001200000030000000

They both can handle polygons, which is why they are completing what you are trying to do.

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