[GIS] Test for spatial randomness with Ripley’s K or L function in R

rspatial statistics

I have a spatial point pattern that I would like to test against complete spatial randomness.
I managed to plot a Ripley's K function for my data and a function for a random distribution with a confidence envelope. From this I can infer whether or not my data deviates from spatial randomness.

However, I wonder whether it is possible to statistically test these two functions against one another (and thus get a p-value that indicates the deviation from a random distribution)?

Best Answer

Getting a p value is not that easy. Marcon and Lang (Testing randomness of spatial point patterns with the Ripley statistic, http://arxiv.org/abs/1006.1567) have demonstrated that (K1, K2..Kn) where K1, K2..Kn are the values of the Ripley s K function at different distances is a Gaussian vector. They have then computed its mean and covarianace matrix in the square and used a chi 2 test for spatial randomness. You can use the same idea by computing empirically (with Monte-Carlo simulations) the mean/covariance matrix in your domain. Regards Thibault Lagache