[GIS] Summarising an attribute from point layer in polygons with FME


I have a number of polygon feature sets and a point layer containing an attribute with population count. I want to summarise the population attribute for all points within each polygon feature set using FME.

Ie. the end product should be a number of polygon layers with a population attribute.

So in short: How to get the sum of attribute X from all overlapping points in a point dataset, for each out of N polygon feature sets, using FME?

(I'm basically trying to recreate the "Join attributes by location" tool in QGIS with FME.)

Best Answer

Simple. Use the PointOnAreaOverlayer transformer. In the parameters dialog set a list name. The polygon features will emerge with a list of which point features fell inside, including their attributes.

Then use a ListSummer transformer to add up the attribute X in that list.

I put an example workspace (template) on Dropbox at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/1mbvmfef7tjdqr8/AttributeSummer.fmwt?dl=0

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