[GIS] Subtracting two point clouds

point cloudsoftware-recommendations

I have two point clouds (PCs): (i) PC-A (i.e. Reference PC or ground truth) and
(ii) PC-B (i.e. Bare-Earth PC obtained through filtering)

I want to subtract PC-B from PC-A to calculate commission and omission errors. So, far I tried computing cloud to cloud distances in cloudcompare, and then filtering points that are not within 0.05m threshold distance. However, since the topography is high variable, the aforementioned method is giving a huge spatial variation. I suspect that cloud-to-cloud distance isn't very accurate.

Is there any tool (preferably opensource and not too complex) that I could use to achieve PC-B (-) PC-A?

Best Answer

I believe what you are computing is called the "Hausdorff Distance." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hausdorff_distance

There are other libraries you might try such as http://vcg.isti.cnr.it/vcglib/