QGIS – Subdividing Scale Bar Segments Using QGIS

print-composerqgisscale bar

How can I subdivide the scale bar segments in smaller subsegments?

I want to style my scale bar like this:

enter image description here

Best Answer

There's a few steps involved:

  1. Create your first scalebar showing kilometers and set the relevant options:

    First scalebar

  1. Select the first scalebar and copy/paste it below the original and set the relevant options:

    Second scalebar

  1. For the copied scalebar, set its Font colour to have an opacity of 0%:

    Item Properties > Fonts and colours > Font colour

    Set opacity

  1. Move the copied scalebar and align it to match the original scalebar. Select both these scalebars and group them:

    Group items

  1. You should hopefully have a scalebar with subdivided segments:


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