[GIS] Storing SRID:4326 data as Geometry or Geography

qgissql serversql-server-spatialsrid

I used OGR2OGR to import SRID 4326 point data into MSSQL Server. Didn't realize that it defaults to creating a geometry column instead of detecting the data as 4326 and creating a geography column. I know the code to get around this so no issue there.

The data as is in a geometry column shows up just fine in QGIS. So do I actually need to put the data in a geography column?


Best Answer

If you do not need to measure distances over the spheroid then geometry suits well. The PostGIS manual contains understandable info about this http://postgis.net/docs/manual-2.0/using_postgis_dbmanagement.html#PostGIS_Geography and it is valid also for MSSQL.

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