QGIS and Python – Starting QGIS with virtualenv Python


is there any means of telling QGIS to use a different Python installation than the default, system-wide one?
E.g. use some virtualenv Python /myvirtualenv/bin/python instead of /usr/bin/python?

Background: I'm developing a custom plugin that uses some modules which are only installed in a certain virtualenv, but not system-wide.

The virtualenv is allowed to access system-wide packages, so the qgis core libs should still be accessible when using that virtualenv.

The only solution that I see right now is to install the required modules in the system-wide Python. However, I'd like to keep them in the virtualenv only, if possible.

Best Answer

You can first load your virtual environment and then start QGIS in the same terminal where you loaded the virtual environment.

for example in linux:

source /myvirtualenv/bin/activate
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