[GIS] Stack Builder not finding spatial extentions for Postgre 10 when installing PostGIS

installationpostgispostgresqlpostgresql-10windows server 2012

I've never set up a development environment on Windows before.

I followed this guide which is for PostgreSQL 9, but nevertheless. PostGIS is supposed to be installable through Stack Builder, but Stack Builder 4 does not show any Spatial Extensions. I can't find any stand-alone bundles for PostGIS, nor anybody that has the same problem.

When I throw SELECT AddGeometryColumn('testtable', 'g', 3036, 'POINT', 2) at my postgre-server it tells me that addgeometrycolumn() cannot be found, so I assume that PostGIS is missing.

Any hints as to where to start with this one?

Best Answer

nJGL yah sorry the folks that manage the Stackbuilder stuff are on vacation I was told. So issue is still there. I did upload the exes to Stackbuilder so as soon as the issue is fixed they would show up there.

The stackbuilder will just give you the same installer files you'll find here.


For 64-bit http://winnie.postgis.net/download/windows/pg10/buildbot/postgis-bundle-pg10x64-setup-2.4.1-1.exe

I haven't packaged pg10 32-bit since I'm having issue with the pointcloud build, hopefully you don't need that. If you need the 32-bit just use the binaries.