[GIS] SQL Spatial view using a Query Layer in ArcMap 10 is SLOW

arcmapsql serversql-server-spatial

We have a number of SQL Spatial views each made up of approximately 10 tables (so relatively complex views) and each including a table with a SQL Geometry column. A view could return up to 300-400 thousand records. No SDE involved. We are using a Query Layer (QL) for each spatial view (Select * from the view) to display in ArcMap. Each spatial table has a primary key, spatial grids and uses an SRID of 0. Just to load a QL might take 10-15 seconds. To display with a 100k – 250k data view (maybe 100s of features) takes 10-20 seconds. We previous had these as SDE views (same underlying SQL views w/o the SQL spatial column) in Arc 10 and they loaded and displayed in 1-3 seconds.

Anyone have ideas about why these are SO MUCH SLOWER without using SDE?

Best Answer

I don't know if this could help but when using Query Layers on ORACLE Views with an SDO column, we had to create Spatial Index on all tables containing Spatial information, and then create a spatial index on the view.