[GIS] sql server spatial index performance

performancespatial-indexsql server

I have a table with around 2 million records in it. I create a spatial index, using the defaults other than the bounding box. I've been noticing that some queries are extremely fast, and some are extremely slow. The determining factor appears to the size of the polygon used in the query.

On larger search areas, using WITH(INDEX(SIX_FT5)) slows down the query considerably (from 0 seconds, to 15+ seconds). On smaller search areas, the exact opposite it true.

Here's some of the queries I'm testing with:


SELECT TOP(1000) * FROM [FT5] WHERE (shape.STIntersects(geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-133462.805381701 -668610.241000959, 2934415.68824241 -668610.241000959, 2934415.68824241 2200521.65831815, -133462.805381701 2200521.65831815, -133462.805381701 -668610.241000959))', 2264)) = 1) 


SELECT TOP(1000) * FROM [FT5] WITH(INDEX(SIX_FT5)) WHERE (shape.STIntersects(geometry::STGeomFromText('POLYGON ((-133462.805381701 -668610.241000959, 2934415.68824241 -668610.241000959, 2934415.68824241 2200521.65831815, -133462.805381701 2200521.65831815, -133462.805381701 -668610.241000959))', 2264)) = 1) 

Anyone know what's going on here?

Best Answer

As commented by @Vince:

If you think about it, changing the size of the search envelope should have a significant impact on the query -- the more rows that are returned through an index, the slower the response. At some point, it becomes faster to full table scan and throw away rows based on envelope. I would suggest that you spend more time with the spatial index options, since you probably have room for optimization of the index.