[GIS] Splitting table column and using to update another table in ArcPy


I have a table (T1) which I need to populate (using python for ArcGIS) the fields Val1, Val2 and Val3

ID Val1 Val2 Val3




with data from another table (T2):

ID Data

0 V1

1 V1

2 V1

0 V2

1 V2

2 V2

0 V3

1 V3

2 V3

so the original table (T1) becomes:

ID Val1 Val2 Val3

0 V1 V2 V3

1 V1 V2 V3

2 V1 V2 V3

I currently do this using a SearchCursor nested in the UpdateCursor.

I thought a quicker solution would be to split T2 into three columns or a temporary table, and then update T1 using the update cursor.

Can anyone help me with this?

My code currently:

rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Flow_Paths) 
for row in rows:
    X_A = row.X_Cord_A # First X Cord
    Y_A = row.Y_Cord_A # First Y Cord   
    rows_i = arcpy.SearchCursor(point_shp) 
    for row_i in rows_i: 
        if X_A == row_i.xCentroid and Y_A == row_i.yCentroid: #Find upstream path lengths and extract maximum lengths, elevations, and min area
            ElevationMax = row_i.DEM
            AreaMin = row_i.CatchArea

Best Answer

My answer is quite specific to the situation but will post in case it helps anyone else.

def SplitCol(Column,Splits):
Length = len(Column)/Splits
ta = np.zeros((Length,Splits))
tv = 0
for i in range(Splits):
    for j in range(Length):
        ta[j,i] = Column[tv]
        tv += 1
return ta

ColDEM =[]

rows_i = arcpy.SearchCursor(point_shp) 
for row_i in rows_i: 
del row_i
del rows_i

taDEM = SplitCol(ColDEM, 3)

tv = 0
rows = arcpy.UpdateCursor(Flow_Paths) 
for row in rows:
    row.El_Max = taDEM[tv,0]
    row.El_Min = taDEM[tv,1]
    tv += 1
del row
del rows

I loop over the dbf and add the values to a vector (or column). Then the SplitCol splits my T2 table in the question above into 3 columns. I then loop over the dbf file and add the indexed results from the matrix as required.

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