ArcGIS Network Analyst – Splitting Roads at Intersections


I have a file geodatabase Feature Class representing the roads of a city.
The Roads are not split at Intersections. ArcGIS needs roads to be split at the intersections, otherwise it assumes that the roads are not connected.

This Image shows the Connectivity model for ArcGIS Network Analyst, when the roads are not split.

How do I correct this problem and split the roads wherever they intersect?

Best Answer

The Feature To Line (Data Management) geoprocessing tool can be used for 'cleaning up' the data.

The help file mentions:

Where input lines or polygon boundaries touch, cross, or overlap each other at locations other than their start and end vertices, they will be split at those intersections; each of the split lines will become an output line feature. If an input line or polygon boundary is not intersected by another feature, its entire shape will still be written out as a line feature.

In Addition, remember to set the Preserve attributes option to true, in order to preserve the attributes in the output file.

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