QGIS Polyline Split – How to Split a Polyline at Intersections in QGIS


How can I split a road network into different links splitting at intersections??
The whole network is in one single layer.

Best Answer

You need to use Split lines by lines tool, and use the same file as input layer and split layer, as you can see below:

enter image description here

You can find the tool from Processing toolbox -> QGIS Geoalgorithms -> Vector Overlay tools -> Split lines by lines

Here is the tool in the Processing Menu:

enter image description here

Before running the tool:

enter image description here

After running the tool:

enter image description here

Update for QGIS 3.x

Although the tool has the same name in SAGA -> Vector line tools, it has a different name in QGIS 3.x. The new name is Split with lines located under Processing tools -> Vector overlay -> Split with lines:

enter image description here