[GIS] Split tool is deleting segment at split point


I turned editing on and selected this line feature from a feature class. After I selected this line feature, I clicked the Split Tool to separate the line at the vertex (the corner). When I click at the vertex, or any other point on the line, a portion of the line is simply disappearing instead of becoming two separate features. Any ideas on why this is happening?

Split tool is deleting segment at split point

Best Answer

I was editing a layer, the layer was a reference of another feature class. So to answer. It wasn't deleting; I don't understand why the line segment was disappearing, but because the edits I was making to the layer were being made to the real feature class (line), I suppose this had something to do with it.

Moral: DO NOT make edits to a layer you created from some selected features. EITHER edit the original feature class objects OR export the layer you created from selected features BEFORE you attempt to make any edits.