[GIS] Split Line at Points not splitting at every point in ArcGIS for Desktop


Why does Split Line At Points not split at every point encountered, even if run in an iterative fashion?

Following the suggestions of a thread here and several others, I made a set of points in order to split polylines at specified intervals. In order to do this, I used linear referencing to turn my lines into routes. Then, I exported the attribute table, divided each length by 5, and set points at multiples of 1/5 the length of the line. I used this as the event table to create a layer of events. So, each line has 4 equally spaced points along it, and I thus ultimately need the 5 segments separated by those points.

Curiously, though, when I try to do the second part "Split Line at Point," it seems that only one point is used on a given line at a time, and I'm not sure how it chooses the point (maybe order in its attribute table?) I could run the tool multiple times, but this doesn't seem to solve the problem either. For example, I could see how it would continue splitting segments as more segments are generated, but on e.g. the 4th run I see that some lines are still only split 3 times, even though there is a point within a line segment that was never split and existed before I ran the tool. I'm not sure how the splits are generated, but in any case, it doesn't seem to do what I want it to do, which is produce a split at "each" point.

What should I do to split lines at ALL points along the line?

Best Answer

This is a script tool I wrote that will do it for you, I believe:

Standalone Python script to split a polyline with a point layer

I don't think it suffers from having to run it again and again (recursively) to keep splitting the lines. Let me know (with an @John in the comments) if you need help setting a toolbox up!

*Note: If you're running on an Advanced license, comment out the code near the beginning (using "#"s in front of each line) for the following section:

if arcpy.ProductInfo() in [u'ArcInfo', u'ArcServer']:
    arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Splitting lines at points")
    arcpy.SplitLineAtPoint_management(linefc, pointfc, output, 1.0)
    arcpy.SetProgressorLabel("Deleting duplicate slices")
    outshapefieldname = arcpy.Describe(output).shapeFieldName
    arcpy.DeleteIdentical_management(output, [outshapefieldname])

Otherwise it will just use the same Split Line at Point tool that's giving you issues.

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