[GIS] Split Leaflet layer control into multiple tabs panel


I have a Leaflet map with several layers (21) grouped into 7 categories.

Because of the large number of layers, I would like to give up on the standard L.control.layers look and turn it into a Bootstrap panel with tabs, based on my categories.

So I currently have this:
enter image description here

And I want to achieve this:

enter image description here

Is is possible to split the Leaflet layer control into a multiple tabs panel?

I have added my code to a JSFiddle. I only used some markers, for simplicity.

— Edit —

I have tried using Leaflet.StyledLayerControl plugin to group my layers and move them to each tab based on their category.

Result: here.

Problem: After moving the elements, their styling and the click event are lost.

Best Answer

Yes, it is possible.

I suggest you have a look at the layer switching controls section of the leaflet plugins page; there are several plugins that implement complex layer controls, and maybe you can benefit from one of them.

Ultimately, you can create your own HTML input elements (checkboxes/radio buttons/drop-downs/etc), attach event listeners to their change event, and call layer.addTo(map)/layer.remove() as needed, keeping references to your instances of L.Layer.