[GIS] Split features (vector line) problem


Part of a stream is now underground so I'm trying to use split features to break the stream into two pieces. The manual says to select the feature, then the split features icon, then draw a line across the stream where I want the break. All it does is keep drawing red lines, with vertices wherever I left click, green vertices where I right click, until I crash QGIS. (Yes I toggled edit)

What should-be-obvious thing am I missing?

Best Answer

To use the split tool, you want to left click at least twice to create the line that will split your existing line, then after the 2nd left click you right click to finish the process.

I was kind of able to duplicate the behavior you're seeing when I left clicked to start the split line, then right clicked at it's end point. The green X would appear, and not go away until I performed a valid split. I'm using 1.8 on Windows 7.

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