[GIS] Spatial Reference Conversion

coordinate systemgoogle mapsjava

I am currently having some problem with the spatial reference projection on the map in Android.

Basically I have a base map which is OneMap and all the coordinates stored in database is in SVY21 format. However, I wanted to display it using GoogleMap which is in WGS84 format. I wonder is there any ways for me to convert it in Java?

Because by using OneMap Api Documentation, it has a conversion method which is in JavaScript. However, I need it to be in Java for my Android project. Any ideas?

Best Answer

You are now not to worry about this SVY21 Projection conversion (From 3414 To EPSG:3857/EPSG:4326) for OneMap. The New OneMap basemaps support WGS84 format.

New OneMap: API Documentation (Co-Ordinates Converter - SVY21 to EPSG:3857)

New OneMap: API Documentation (Co-Ordinates Converter - SVY21 to EPSG:4326)

New OneMap: API Documentation (BaseMap)

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