[GIS] Spatial Join problems in ArcGIS 10.1 – intersect polygon and lines


  1. I have hurricane tracks (Lines) and Florida county boundary (polygon) and I want to extract only those hurricane tracks that intersect Florida.

  2. In ArcMap 10.0 I used Spatial Join (from Analysis/Overlay) to join the hurricane tracks and Florida polygon map. This created a new shp file of only those tracks that intersected Florida. Importantly it kept the entire length of each of the hurricane track lines that intersected Florida.

  3. I have tried repeating this in ArcMap 10.1 using Spatial Join and while it seems to intersect the hurricane tracks with Florida okay – the new shp file does not have the entire length for each of the hurricane tracks – only short bits of lines outside the Florida polygon boundary.

Can anyone provide guidance on why this may be the case – it is critical for this exercise to extract the those hurricane tracks intersecting Florida polygon but we need the entire length of each of the tracks for each of these hurricanes.

Best Answer

eyeball the data, make sure the "short bits of lines outside the Florida" are not a parts of multipart features which interesect Florida.

after that you'd want to rule out the input data being bad.

  1. make copies of both your input datasets
  2. Run RepairGeometry on both
  3. make sure both have correct coordinate system defined
  4. re-run SpatialJoin
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