[GIS] Some tiff not included on a vrt index


I have some tiff files and I'm trying to generate a vrt index with gdal tool, gdalbuildvrt.

I run this command:

gdalbuildvrt orto_index.vrt -srcnodata "0 0 0" -vrtnodata "0 0 0" *.tif

and throws the next warning:

Warning 6: gdalbuildvrt does not support rotated geo transforms.
Skipping 2335-C.tif

So there are some tiff that are skipped.

If we compare the information about a skipped file with another that it has not skipped, we could see the next difference:

In the skipped file, we can see the next line:

GeoTransform =
  345770.7884398972, 0.6000000238418568, 3.473043927400512e-15
  6139634.558238117, 1.757016748640284e-14, -0.6000000238417672

In the non skipped file, the other one:

Origin = (223499.236031105130678,6213152.835421450436115)
Pixel Size = (0.600000023841858,-0.600000023841858)

How can I make to get a vrt file including all files, I mean, without skip some files?

Best Answer

The key line is

Warning 6: gdalbuildvrt does not support rotated geo transforms. Skipping 2335-C.tif

You need to convert the tiffs that have rotated geo transforms to not have them. I suspect that it's a projection issue but without more knowledge of the history of your files can't be sure.