[GIS] Some geometries don’t work with ST_Union and gives a non-noded intersection


I'm getting a lot of errors like this:

GEOSUnaryUnion: TopologyException: found non-noded intersection between LINESTRING (147.254 -42.8705, 147.254 -42.8705) and LINESTRING (147.254 -42.8705, 147.254 -42.8705) at 147.25355728849621 -42.870521684000678

I am calling ST_MakeValid(ST_Union(ST_SnapToGrid(mpoly))) on an aggregate of all rows that match my filter.

Best Answer

There is a similar question at How best to fix a non-noded intersection problem in PostGIS?. Some have had success by performing ST_MakeValid, ST_Buffer or ST_SnapToGrid to the geometry before to performing the union. I see you tried SnapToGrid. Have you tried something like:



ST_Union(ST_Buffer(mpoly, 1e-5))

The presentation PostGIS: Tips for Power Users outlines some potential sources of trouble when unioning geometries.