[GIS] Software for image orientation (aerial triangulation)

aerial-triangulationphotogrammetrysoftware-recommendationsstereo-imageryunmanned aerial vehicle

I'm trying find a software which can orient an UAV Imagery using GCPs (Ground control points in UTM Coordinates system) and Camera calibration (only camera focal length, p1,p2, k0, k1, k2, k3 and without fiducial marks).

I want this because I would like to use them into StereoTools software or any other in Manual Photogrammetry or Stereoscopy.

Can you refer some software for stereoscopy pair view?

I have UAV Imagery with 60-80% of overlap.

Camera calibration

  • fx, fy – focal length.
  • cx, cy – principal point coordinates.
  • K1, K2, K3, P1, P2 – radial distortion coefficients, using Brown's distortion model.

AgiSoft Lens software, camera calibration parameters

Image orientation

  • Interior and exterior orientation.

At the end I wan to get images with Interior and Exterior Orientation.

Later I'll use the Images in a software which allows me to work in Stereo-visualization using 3D Anaglyph glasses. (The final product will be points of the ground surface with real coordinate system, I'll import them on AutoCAD).

Best Answer

If you are using a DJI platform you could try "RAPID for DJI" which is a free Windows 10 x64 application to process up to 100 images. It will generate an orthomap, digital elevation model and on-site preview in WGS84 Lat/Lon projection. Camera calibration, image orientation, geo-referencing and dense construction all happen automatically.

The orientations can be exported in relative or real world for each image:


The licensed versions of the software support any camera sensor, GCP, UTM output, NDVI, DSM, Point Clouds and more. https://dronemapper.com/software_downloads

Disclosure: I wrote the DroneMapper software and service. We are offering RAPID for DJI for free forever -- at this point with 100 images processing.

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