[GIS] Snapping start- and end nodes of lines to other lines in PostGIS


There are plenty examples that show how to snap lines to points, but I haven't been able to find any (fast!) way of snapping the start- and end nodes of line strings to nodes of other lines.

Essentially I want to "clean" my layer in postgis (2.0), moving nearly-similar points together, and sewing up tiny openings between line strings.

It wouldn't matter so much whether I add another node, move the first/last node of either line, or move both points to the center.

I have found two options, but I'm not sure how to start with either of them:

The second option sounds feasible, but any help on how to follow this method would be greatly appreciated.

Best Answer

I've managed to solve this, without using the mentioned GRASS tools or topological functions.

Basically I take all start- and endnodes, put them in a new, temporary table, put a buffer around them, union the buffer objects, and move all found nodes in each buffer to the centroid of the buffer.

When that's done I move the original begin and end points to the new location.

Easier than expected, and still fast, but I expected PostGIS to have some built-in function for this - that would be even quicker.

Edit: in the interest of giving back to the community, this is my (quite crappy) code for now.

drop table if exists nodes;
drop table if exists nodes2;
drop table if exists buffers;

-- Get Start and End nodes
select ST_StartPoint(wkb_geometry) startnode,  ST_EndPoint(wkb_geometry) endnode,    ogc_fid into nodes  from sourceTable;
-- Combine all nodes into one table for easier queries
select startnode node, ogc_fid into nodes2 from nodes;
insert into nodes2 select endnode node, ogc_fid from nodes;

-- Some indexes to speed everything up
CREATE INDEX nodesstart_idx ON nodes USING gist  (startnode);
CREATE INDEX nodesend_idx ON nodes USING gist  (endnode);
CREATE INDEX nodes2_idx ON nodes2 USING gist  (node);
CREATE INDEX nodes_ogcfid_idx ON nodes USING btree (ogc_fid ASC NULLS LAST);

-- Create buffers, combine them, split combined objects again
select (ST_Dump(ST_Union(ST_Buffer(node, 1)))).geom geom into buffers from nodes2;
CREATE INDEX buffers_idx ON buffers USING gist  (geom);

-- Update start/end nodes table
UPDATE nodes SET startnode = ST_Centroid((select geom from buffers WHERE geom && startnode));
UPDATE nodes SET endnode = ST_Centroid((select geom from buffers WHERE geom && endnode));
-- Update original points
update sourceTable set wkb_geometry = ST_SetPoint(
ST_SetPoint(wkb_geometry, 0, (select startnode from nodes where ogc_fid=sourceTable.ogc_fid)), 
ST_NumPoints(wkb_geometry) - 1, (select endnode from nodes where ogc_fid=sourceTable.ogc_fid));

DROP TABLE nodes2;
DROP TABLE buffers;