[GIS] Smoothen Line vector QGIS


I am working on a publication and would like to make my schematic visually pleasing. The amount of detail is too high and the image would be better If I could simplify and smooth my line and polygon vectors. Ideally it would minic smooth Bezier like curves. (Curves are not yet supported in QGIS so searching an alternative)

I've tried many many settings in QGIS, primarily the v.generalize tool but I either get errors or the results still has sharp corners.

enter image description here

A close up reveals the ugly sharp corners of the vectors.
enter image description here

And I would like to get something like this:
enter image description here

Is there a simple way to simplify the vectors into smooth lines? Alternativily, which settings in GRASS v.generalize should I use?

Related question: Is there a way to render lines with a smooth (bezier) curves in QGIS?

It seems like v.generalize with Chaiken algorithm could do the trick. Searching for the correct settings. (Trial and error)

Shapefiles can be found here

Best Answer

You can use a geometry generator in styling as symbol layer style and smooth function. The advantage of this solution is that the geometry is intact.

Smooth 0: Geomoetry Generator - Smooth 0

Smooth 5: Geomoetry Generator - Smooth 5