[GIS] Slope, in which direction


I have a dilemma? I work with a slope terrain. Slope field is done by a percentage of 10%. My question is, in which direction is oriented this pixel, or any pixels? It is important to know to what direction, if you're designing roads. On image below I represented Slope image, and zoomed 10% slope pixel.
enter image description here

enter image description here

This is result from comments below. This is image made with Qgis2threejs. I still not sure that real slope of each pixel oriented to arrows, like those yellow pixels on top left corner, I mean diagonally. Sorry maybe my answer could be confused.
enter image description here

Best Answer

The direction of a Slope is known as its Aspect. It's usually defined as the direction the slope "faces", to me that's a little ambiguous and it's more intuitive to think of it as the "downhill" direction. Slope (the percentage you have already calculated) and Aspect will usually be two separate rasters. Depending on the tool you used to generate the Slope raster, generating an Aspect raster may have been an option, or it may be a separate tool. You can use r.slope.aspect in the GRASS GIS toolbox to generate both Slope and Aspect from the same input elevation raster.

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