[GIS] Showing labels on KML map in Google Maps

google mapskmllabeling

I have converted my layer, that is (from shapefile to KML) in QGIS this is the way I read it in angular:

this.kmlLayerc1 = new google.maps.KmlLayer ({
  url: 'http://direccion/carpeta/nombre.kml',
  map: this.map

Now, in what can I show it with its attributes as it is shown in the image.

enter image description here

What I have tried to do is show it that way in Google Maps, just as it is showing it with all its attributes but showing it on the map only shows the polygons and the attributes do not.

This is the image.

enter image description here

Any suggestions to solve it?

I convert the file .shp to .kml because that way I can show it on the map

Example, this is mi file .kml:

enter image description here

I just want to show the sector name as in the image

Best Answer

Not possible on Google earth. You need google earth pro which is free but last I checked it was not available in Linux. That was a while back so most it may be different now. And in Google earth pro you can import shapefiles