WFS vs WMS vs SOS – Evaluating Performance and Security


My task is to develop a web application which will visualize the temporal data on map and produce a kind of data flow (or animation) from the images/data which have been received from server.

For this purpose, I am thinking to use OpenLayers API and OGC web services WFS or WMS or SOS.

One of the main requirements is to send data securely and fast with high performance.

The question I have is: Which service out of WFS, WMS and SOS will be good to use for such a web application in terms of performance, security, reliability etc.?

I know each web service provides different features. But, if I use WMS for my temporal data to get map images by performing some kind of aggregation in database (as it is temporal visualization), then my application will get slow on some devices like mobile phones/tablets as it may take lot of time to fetch images.

On the other hand, If I use SOS or WFS, there will be risk for our application to send raw data, which is really not secure.

It will be really great if anyone can give me an advice or thoughts on it.

If you think, this question can't be just answered, then can anyone give me an idea how should I proceed further for such an research based problem?

Best Answer

I know each web service provides different features. But, If I use WMS service for my temporal data to get map images by performing some kind of aggregation in database(as it is temporal visualization), then the my application will get slow on some devices like mobile phones/tablets as it may take lot of time to fetch images."

I disagree with this statement for three reasons.

The time needed to fetch WFS data can also be high, since spatial queries can also be slow. I mean, the amount of raw bytes sent is not the only limiting factor.

Another reason is that since WFS output tends to be verbose - because uses GML, which is a 'dialect' of XML, for transporting data -, you may end sending more raw bytes than if WMS was used.

Last, vector data - like WFS output - will demand more computing power from client devices, because they will have to render the features; on the other hand, WMS responses to GetMap requests come already rendered, which implies less work on client side. Thus, using vector data on clients with limited computing power can be an issue.