[GIS] Should I measure distance in projected or geographic coordinate system

coordinate systemdistance

I want to evaluate the distance between a set of points and lines on a small scale (points across China). I am using the sp package of R for this purpose which warns if the underlying coordinate system is not projected.

However, if I change my coordinate system to a projected coordinate system my distance calculations will not be 100% accurate due to distortions caused by the projection, right?

Thus, wouldn't it make more sense to calculate distances in a geographic coordinate system taking into account the refernce ellipsoid (like in the geosphere R package). Wouldn't this apporach give more accurate results?

Best Answer

it depends on your tolerance to errors.

In most cases you can compute distances with enough precision when you work in a local projected coordinate system on a "small" regions (for instance, computing the shortest route for a car in a city). Accross China, you are no more in a local projected coordinate system, so the errors could be quite large.

Then, of cours, the geodetic distance (based on Vincenty's formula) is the "reference" distance for shortest path if you go straigth from A to B without obstacles, and it is not "that" slow to compute it with modern computers. But in Distance measurements across UTM zones: use geographic or planar approaches? , you can also see that a sinusoidal projection remains quite good approximation in most cases. And if you have a central point from which all distances are computed, then it would be accurate to use an azimuthal equidistant projection.

Finally, ask yourself what would be the largest source of errors to get the full picture of accuracy, e.g.

  • planes don't use the shortest distance but have several constraints to take into account, and the most important is the wind

  • most vehicles don't use the shortest distance but follow the road, rails etc.

  • if you climb a mountain, the real distance can sometimes be more effected by the slope than the distortions of the 2D projection