[GIS] Setup mapnik: tile generation very slow


I've setup a Mapnik tileserver with this steps: https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/

This are the specs of my server:

  • OS: Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
  • 8 vcpu's
  • 28 GB RAM

I've imported an extract of Europe (Belgium-Netherlands-France-Germany). Tile server is running, but tile generation is very slow. When showing tiles in a leaflet map, it can take 30-40 seconds to render one mapview. I've followed the steps from https://switch2osm.org/manually-building-a-tile-server-18-04-lts/ literally.

Is this normal behaviour?

Best Answer

A key factor in tile rendering is the server configuration. For an example, here is the configuration of the OSM tiles generation server: https://hardware.openstreetmap.org/servers/odin.openstreetmap.org/

Disk access is important, on a cloud based server the disk access may slow tile rendering.

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