[GIS] Setting Zero values back to NULL


I'm working with ArcGIS 10.2 for Desktop and OS Windows 7.

I need to set numeric vales from Zero back to NULL, but I can't from the field calculator.

I'm working with a vector file and I need to display NULL in one column that shows 0 (Zero) as default value.

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I am adding the error messages that he received
Error Message 1
Translation: An error occurred during the process. Please consult the Geoprocessing Results Window to obtain more details.
Geoprocessing Results Window
Error at bottom, translation: The values ​​of the selected column can not be set to null because the field in the database is defined as "Not Null".

Best Answer

Assuming you are using ArcGIS, and not QGIS, this is a simple operation. It definitely can be performed in the Field Calculator. I created a field, "test_num", type of Double as an example. This is in ArcGIS 10.2 on Windows 7, 64bit.

Source Table - Data set to 0 Source Data

Field Calculator: Simply enter NULL as the value to be calculated. Field Calculator - NULL

Result Table - Selected values are now <Null> Result Table - Values set to NULL

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Based on the additional screenshots you provided, the issue is clear. You cannot set the values to NULL because you have specified that this column Cannot have NULL values.

Your best bet is to create another column that allows Nulls, and try this operation again. If you are still finding an error, please modify your question with additional information.

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