ArcMap Selectable Layers – Setting Which Layers Are Selectable in ArcMap


I cannot figure out how to toggle selectable layers in ArcMap 10.

In 9.3, I remember being able to choose from a list which layers I wanted to be able to select features from in the map.

Let's say I'm editing two different feature classes for a building – 'FireExtinguishers' and 'EvacuationRoutes'.

While editing, I don't want to accidentally select the 'Rooms' feature class.

I want to be able to turn off the selectability of 'Rooms', but the only way I know how to change this is to right-click a layer in the Table of Contents and choose Selection -> Make This The Only Selectable Layer.

I would like to have finer control over what layers are and are not selectable.

Does anyone know how to do this?

Best Answer

In the Table of Contents window, there is a button across top titled "List By Selection". Clicking this button toggles the Table of Contents into a mode that lets you change the selectablity of each layer in your dataframe.