[GIS] Setting up QGIS ECW support on Linux Arch / Manjaro

arch linuxecwgdalqgis

How do I setup ECW support for QGIS in Linux?

In windows it's super easy, due to the OSGeo4W installer, but I can't get it running in linux.

I tried a lot of topics from gis.stackexchange like these:

or other blogs like this one:

The main problem is, that the AUR package for libecwj2 isn't online anymore and I'm still new to compiling software in linux. So somehow the compilation, which is described in the first two links, always fails.

@SamTux replied but I still can't get it running.

The archgeotux-repository did work so far, but I somehow I got the following error: link
I wasn't able to open qgis anymore and it looks like a lot of more trouble. So I thought this can't be the answer.

I could install the libecwj2 AUR package (YUHUUU!), but got stuck with the recompilation of gdal. I found it also strange why it's not possible to edit PKGBUILD of the gdal but for the gdal-filegdb package?

When I do the recompile of gdal-filegdb the package "libkml" fails: build-log

Another question, when I upgrade in the future to a newer version of gdal, do I always have to edit the PKGBUILD do ensure the ecw support?

Best Answer

I came across the same issue and created a AUR package for gdal with ecw support: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/gdal-ecw

It's based on the solution above.