PyQGIS PDF Export – Setting Options in PDF Export for Atlas


While saving an atlas as PDF in QGIS, I can manually change the settings shown the image using "PDF Export Settings" window.

enter image description here

How can I set those options using PyQGIS?

Minimal code:

layout_manager = QgsProject.instance().layoutManager()
layout = layout_manager.layoutByName('LAYOUT_NAME')

layout_exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(layout)    
layout_exporter.exportToPdf(path, QgsLayoutExporter.PdfExportSettings())

Best Answer

Setting those options using PyQGIS requires using QgsLayoutExporter.PdfExportSettings() instance.

pdf_settings = QgsLayoutExporter.PdfExportSettings()


  1. For "Always export as vector"
    pdf_settings.forceVectorOutput = True or False.

  2. For "Export RDF metadata"
    pdf_settings.exportMetadata = True or False.

  3. "Text export" options:

    • For "Always Export Text as Paths"
      pdf_settings.textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext.TextFormatAlwaysOutlines

    • For "Always Export Text as Text Objects"
      pdf_settings.textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext.TextFormatAlwaysText

  4. For "Disable tiled raster layer exports"
    pdf_settings.rasterizeWholeImage = True or False.

enter image description here

layout_manager = QgsProject.instance().layoutManager()
layout = layout_manager.layoutByName('LAYOUT_NAME')

pdf_settings = QgsLayoutExporter.PdfExportSettings()

pdf_settings.forceVectorOutput = True` # default False
pdf_settings.exportMetadata = False # default True
pdf_settings.rasterizeWholeImage = True # default False
pdf_settings.textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext.TextFormatAlwaysText
# OR pdf_settings.textRenderFormat = QgsRenderContext.TextFormatAlwaysOutlines # default

layout_exporter = QgsLayoutExporter(layout)    
layout_exporter.exportToPdf(path, pdf_settings)
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