[GIS] Setting a fixed zoom (min/max) level in ArcMap 10.3.1


I have built a statewide base-map for a project and want to set the zoom levels so that the map cannot be zoomed past certain levels. I have set the scale range on each of the (11) group layers, but that doesn't stop the ability to zoom past those set levels – the features are simply turned off when the scales are past. I am trying to figure out a way to "freeze" the display at either ends of the map so that the end users never zoom to far and get nothing but a white screen. I have tried setting the extent of the data frame, but this only allows me to lock the map at a single level; I still need to have the function of zooming in and out from 1:5,000,000 down to 1:5,000.

Best Answer

If you are talking about ArcMap, you can constrain the scale levels (sort of, by controlling zooming) viewed in an MXD by doing this:

Step 1

Step 2