[GIS] Service published but cache generation failed on ArcGIS Server


I am trying to publish a map service containing a cached raster layer on our ArcGIS Server Enterpise 10.1.
I analyze the map service before publishing and no error.

The error I get when publishing is:

The service has been published successfully. The cache for the service has been enabled but the cache
generation failed."

See attached image
enter image description here

Further details:

  • the GIS Server and the folder are on the same machine, with Windows OS.

  • we're talking about a virtual machine in the cloud.

  • the raster layer is created from a mosaic raster in .tif format (size= 1,5 GB).
  • I use ArcGIS Desktop 10.1
  • I am trying to create a 5 scale cache.

I found this error on the Esri forum, but it's for ArcGIS Online servers:

Best Answer

Since 10.1, there are two special system geoprocessing services that are called CachingTools and CachingControllers. These services are available in the System folder under the GIS Server connection. These services are responsible for starting and managing caching jobs. In order to be able to start caching a service, these services have to be started. From Esri help:

The CachingControllers service helps process map, image, and globe caching jobs. The maximum number of instances you allow for this service determines how many cache jobs can run at one time. The CachingControllers service works together with the CachingTools service. Both must be running in order to build caches. Both must run on the same cluster.