[GIS] Service pack for ArcGIS


I have ArcGIS 10.2 installed on my machine which shows service pack 0 (build 0), i want to upgrade my service pack to 3 or higher possibly 5. I downloaded service pack 5 for ArcGIS 10 because i did not find service packs for 10.2. Whie i install the service pack 5, it shows " The service patch cannot be installed by the windows Installer service because program to be upgraded may be missing. or the upgrade patch may update a different version of the program. Verify that the proram to be be upgraded exists on your computer and that you have the correct upgrade patch."
Is there any service pack available for 10.2?

Best Answer

Installing a service pack for ArcGIS 10 will NOT work with ArcGIS version 10.2. You must download and install patches and packs for your specific version.

There is an array of different patches but I don't believe there is an actual service pack for 10.2. At least I can't fin one here

To upgrade you would have needed to purchase a newer version or pay yearly maintanance fee which allows you to allows you to download new versions as they come out. It used to be that in older versions ESRI released service regular service packs but now they are forcing users to upgrade although some patches are still available here

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