[GIS] Selecting/tracing part of line feature using QGIS


I have a shapefile which comprises a number of lines, each representing a bus route. I'm wanting to create a new bus route which is the same as an existing line to a certain point, but then branches off and follows a different route (see image below).

enter image description here

What's the best way to do this?

I'll be doing it numerous times. I'm thinking the best way is to draw a polygon around the parts I want and then clip using the same polygon, and dissolving the result. I don't really want to draw new lines by snapping the vertices to existing routes as each route has thousands of vertices.

I am using QGIS 3.2.3.

Best Answer

You can use the Snapping toolbar and click on Enable tracing to trace the existing polylines this much more easier to draw a new line using existing lines'

enter image description here

Existing line'

enter image description here

Adding new line (purple color)

enter image description here

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