QGIS – Select Features Using Attributes of Another File


I have a table of attributes in which a field contains combinations of IDs from another shapefile (ex. '[6, 4]' where 6 and 4 are each individual IDs in my shapefile). Here's an example for visualization:

enter image description here

(the one in the left would be the aforementioned attribute table and the one in the right the shapefile).

I was wondering if there is some way I could select the features in my shapefile using the combinations in the separated table. Mostly I'd like to know if it's possible to Select by Expression using "what's selected in another table" as input.

Best Answer

yes it is possible, but it is a bit a wild ralley of expressions in my brain;-). Also possible, that there is a more ellegant and easier solution with python...Let's say your layer A contains your ids which should be selected by the pairs of values (field "link" in brackets, [1,3]) in your layer B. The first step is to make virtual field, e.g. "sel" in layer B with the expression shown in the image below. This will dynamically reflect the selection state of your layer B, which we will need later in layer A:

enter image description here

The next step is to build the expression in layer A to select the features which are related to the selected features in B. There we will use the aggregate function which is very powerful:

enter image description here

aggregate( 'B',
 replace(replace(replace("link", '[',''),']',''),' ',''), 
 concatenator:=', ') ) ,
to_string( "id" ))

The aggregate function collects all items from the link field, which are selected (filter:="sel"=1). then we have to replace the brackets [1, 2] and spaces with the 3 replace statements. it would be easier to get rid of them before. at the end we put the string back into an array and proof if the id from layer A will be within the array...

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