ArcObjects Selection – Selecting Features by Location in ArcObjects


I am very new to ArcGIS and ArcObjects.

I am writing a code for a button that will detect a selected feature and then select other features based on the feature that I had selected please take a look at my code

public class LandmarkBtn : ESRI.ArcGIS.Desktop.AddIns.Button {

    public LandmarkBtn() {

    protected override void OnClick() {
         var doc = ArcMap.Document;
        var focusMap = doc.FocusMap;
        IEnumLayer layer = focusMap.get_Layers(null,true);
        ILayer lyr = null;
        IFeatureClass Lmarks = null;

        while ((lyr = layer.Next()) != null) {

            var featureLayer = lyr as IFeatureLayer;
            if (featureLayer == null)

        var name = featureLayer.FeatureClass.AliasName;

            if ("landmarks".Equals(name.ToLowerInvariant())) {

                Lmarks = featureLayer.FeatureClass;

        if (Lmarks == null) {
            MessageBox.Show("Sorry, No LM Layer Found");

        var selection = (IEnumFeature)focusMap.FeatureSelection;
        IFeature ftr = null;
        ftr = selection.Next();

ftr now holds the selected landmark(feature), I want to perform a query that will select features from another layer that are within 100 meters of the landmark feature, can you please direct me onto where I should look or provide me with a sample code that might help?

Best Answer

This will take multiple steps:

  1. Get a cursor from you selection set

        public static IFeatureCursor GetSelectedFeatures(IFeatureLayer featureLayer)
        if (featureLayer == null) return null;
        IFeatureSelection fSel = (IFeatureSelection)featureLayer;
        ISelectionSet selSet = (ISelectionSet)fSel.SelectionSet;
        ICursor cursor = null;
        selSet.Search(null, false, out cursor);
        IFeatureCursor fCursor = cursor as IFeatureCursor;
        return fCursor;
  2. Union and buffer the items in the cursor

    public static IPolygon UnionShapes(IFeatureCursor cursor, double bufferDist)
        if (cursor == null) return null;
        IFeature pFeat = cursor.NextFeature();
        if (pFeat != null)
            if (pFeat.Shape is IPoint)
                ITopologicalOperator ptopBuffer = (ITopologicalOperator)pFeat.Shape;
                IPolygon pTempPoly = (IPolygon)ptopBuffer.Buffer(bufferDist);
                ITopologicalOperator ptopUnion = (ITopologicalOperator)pTempPoly;
                pFeat = cursor.NextFeature();
                while (pFeat != null)
                    ptopBuffer = (ITopologicalOperator)pFeat.Shape;
                    pTempPoly = (IPolygon)ptopBuffer.Buffer(bufferDist);
                    ptopUnion = (ITopologicalOperator)ptopUnion.Union(pTempPoly);
                    pFeat = cursor.NextFeature();
                return (IPolygon)ptopUnion;
            return null;
        return null;
  3. Select the spatial filter on the new shape

       public static ISpatialFilter CreateSpatialFilter(IFeatureClass fc, IGeometry shape)
        if (fc == null) return null;
        ISpatialFilter sf = new SpatialFilterClass();
        sf.GeometryField = fc.ShapeFieldName;
        sf.Geometry = shape;
        sf.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;
        return sf;
  4. Search on the feature class with the filter.

        public static IFeatureCursor GetSelectedItemsByShape(IFeatureClass fc, ISpatialFilter filter)
            if (filter == null) return null;
            if (fc == null) return null;
            IFeatureCursor fcursor = fc.Search(filter, true);
            return fcursor;
            return null;
  5. Then if you want to select the new features:

        public static ISelectionSet CursorToSelectionSet(IFeatureLayer layer, IFeatureCursor cursor)
        IFeatureSelection fSel = (IFeatureSelection)layer;
        if (cursor != null)
            IFeature feat = cursor.NextFeature();
            while (feat != null)
                feat = cursor.NextFeature();
        return fSel.SelectionSet;

Good Luck

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